
The Daniels of Overland Rd, Mumbles

From: Phil Rees
Date: 03 Oct 2004
Time: 16:17:29 +0100
Remote Name:


Dear Andy Re your enquiries about the Daniels family. “Aubrey worked for many years on Swansea docks, with the civil dept until it finished in 1989. At that time he lived in Townhill near the old Tower cinema and as far as I know, may still be there”. John Llewellyn tel 01792 367 848 “Capt Daniels the father worked on the fishing trawlers. Whether he had a captain’s licence, nobody knows. Sid worked on the trawlers for a time, and then started work on the Mumbles pier as a handy man, for Jack Bartlet and John Godwin. Sid also had a little side line, when the paddle steamer called at the pier he would secure and free the mooring lines. The family lived in Overland road in the 1940s next door the old coastguard station entrance from Upper Church Park and Westbourne place.” Howard Morgan tel 366 492 Trust this helps you Phil Rees
